Your Pet's Happiness and Health

Strange, But Real, Facts About Cats

Strange, But Real, Facts About Cats

July 24, 2017 3 min read

Cat lovers and owners aren’t taken aback by most of the strange things that make cats, cats. Aside from their tendency towards independence and their affinity for grooming, there are tons of interesting facts about cats that are unique and, of course, strange. Check them out, here!
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Forever Home: Pet Adoption Tips for Bringing a New Cat Home

Forever Home: Pet Adoption Tips for Bringing a New Cat Home

July 17, 2017 3 min read

Cats prefer stability and don't love changes to their routine or environment. Bringing that scaredy-cat home and integrating them into your life is easier than you think. If you're looking to adopt a pet cat or you’ve just adopted one, here are some tips for introducing a new cat into your home.
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Famous Cats Throughout Media History

Famous Cats Throughout Media History

July 03, 2017 2 min read

Since 1697 when Puss first put on boots, cats have been entertaining us with their adorable antics. Even before the world had celebrities, it had celebrity cats. With each new media outlet, we have a new cat basking in their 15 minutes of fame to fascinate us. Check out our list of the most memorable and famous cats.
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Cheese! These Cats Have Famous Owners

Cheese! These Cats Have Famous Owners

June 26, 2017 3 min read

You know their names, but do you know their famous felines? We love it when celebrities use their amazing star powers for good and share how much they love animals and what they’re doing to help them. We've rounded up 10 of the most popular celebrities and their cats.
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Popularity Contest: Top Types of Cats

Popularity Contest: Top Types of Cats

June 19, 2017 3 min read

Here are 5 of the most popular cat breeds from around the world. All 5 breeds frequently appear on national and international lists of popular cat types. Each breed comes with its own unique traits, both physical and mental. Check out the list to see which breed is best suited for you or your family.
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Playtime: 7 Fun Games to Play with Your Cat

Playtime: 7 Fun Games to Play with Your Cat

June 12, 2017 3 min read

Humans and felines have a long history together. From the reverence held by the ancient Egyptians, to the more modern house cat with their own Instagram page, our cats always expect to be honored entertained by us. Don’t disappoint your pets and check out these 7 fun games to play with your cat!
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Cleaning Day at the Shelter!

Cleaning Day at the Shelter!

February 09, 2017 1 min read

Kitty Kasa was born at the Arni Foundation animal shelter in Daytona Beach, FL. Dozens of Kitty Kasa Duros are in use all day every day at the shelter and the shelter cats love them! Check out while after all that use, these Kasas are easily as clean as the day they got here!
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Kitty Kasa Standard Vs. Kitty Kasa Duro. What's the Difference?

Kitty Kasa Standard Vs. Kitty Kasa Duro. What's the Difference?

February 09, 2017 1 min read

Our Kitty Kasas come in two varieties, the Standard Kitty Kasa and the Kitty Kasa Duro. I’m sure you’re dying to know; what’s the difference? Well not to fear, we have the answer to that burning question below.
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