July 19, 2018 2 min read

Oh, they will look at you in ways that melt even the stoniest of hearts, but when cats behave badly, it’s no fun for anyone. Often, pet parents aren’t quite sure how to get through to their feline friends when it comes to discipline. We are going to share why cats misbehave, and some do's and don'ts of discipline.

How Kitties Misbehave

The ways cats behave badly are pretty varied and can get quite creative. Cats are smart - don’t underestimate their intelligence. They can misbehave by;

  • Not using the litter box
  • Bullying or aggressive behavior
  • Incessant meowing, howling or crying
  • Biting, clawing, chewing of pets, people, and their stuff

Why Cats Misbehave

Believe it or not, cats are trainable, no matter how hard they may resist your efforts. They are lovable, sweet, and stubborn creatures. Humans may misinterpret a cat’s bad behavior by thinking the kitty is being malicious or acting out of anger. Kitties are great problem solvers, and their misbehavior may be a sign of problem-solving in action, kitty-style. Cats are like people and prefer things to be a certain way, we can’t blame them! Here are a few reasons for bad kitty behavior;

  • Undiagnosed health issues
  • Oils, scents, deodorizers, etc. near the litter box
  • A new addition to the family (human or another pet)
  • Boredom
  • Stressful events like large family gatherings, parties, moving, or travel
  • Dirty litter box
  • Depression (e.g. loss of a companion)

One of the things to try before resorting to discipline is to make sure your cat is healthy; unhealthy or sick cats can act out. Also, make sure your cat’s potty area is clean and free of harsh scents and chemicals. If your cat is bored, do they have fun toys, or play areas (like the Kitty Kasa Gym) to stay busy? Play with your kitty (especially before bed) to make sure they’re getting all the love, attention, and exercise they need. Also, try to limit the overall amount of stress and anxiety in your cat’s life as well.

How to Discipline Your Cat

If you've got a bad kitty, then you surely want their bad cat behavior to stop. Cats are not like dogs or little people, and discipline means something different. A few tips and tricks on how to discipline a cat are;

  • Don’t yell or physically hurt your cat
  • Don’t punish your cat after the fact
  • Do ignore the unwanted behavior (when appropriate, like midnight wake up calls)
  • Do use positive reinforcement
  • Do put the bad kitty in timeout
  • Do booby trap the off-limits area with double-sided tape or foil

Contact us today if you have any questions about our upcoming new products or any cat-related questions!