August 26, 2020 2 min read

There are a lot of dog-themed holidays these days, which we love to see! While these holidays are all great for sharing cute photos of your dog, National Dog Day has a very special focus that goes beyond that. National Dog Day looks to showcase shelter dogs of all kinds and encourages the adoption of dogs from animal shelters, rather than purchasing from puppy mills or any pet store supplied by puppy mills.

Every year, approximately 3.3 million dogs are entering U.S. animal shelters and a whopping 1.2 million shelter dogs are euthanized. With over 2 million puppies being bred in puppy mills each year, the need to euthanize 1.2 million shelter dogs is simply not there. There are clearly more than enough capable homes out there to keep the puppy mill machine turning, so how can we do our part to redirect some of those able-bodied future pawrents to adopting a shelter dog rather than purchasing a pup?

Tell a Friend 

If the "I want a puppy" conversation comes up with your friends, suggest they look into adopting a shelter dog. If they have their heart set on a particular breed, recommend a breed-specific shelter! 

Promote Your Local Shelter

Help shed some light on your local shelter! If there are some extra cute pups available for adoption, try posting them on your page to give them some extra views. The wider the audience, the more chance that dogs in your local shelter will get adopted. Plus, who doesn't love to see some adorable dog spam on their feed?

Educate Yourself 

If you are looking into getting a specific breed of dog, do your research! So many people get purebred pups just for their looks, and that is one of the main reasons why so many dogs end up in shelters each year. Be sure to get a dog breed that fits your lifestyle so that you can properly care for them throughout their whole life and prevent unnecessary rehoming.

Share Your Experience 

If you're ready to welcome a new furry friend into your home, then consider adopting a dog. Share your adoption experience with your friends or post about it! With more adoption success stories out there, chances are that more future pawrents will be willing to adopt rather than purchase.


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