February 14, 2020 2 min read

It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of Valentine's Day, but what if you just want to relax instead of feeling obligated to go on a date? Us too! Check out these five reasons why your cat makes the purrfect Valentine!

1. They Say All the Right Things

Noone likes an annoying date that just won't stop talking. A date with your favorite feline will ensure that you avoid all of the awkward dinner conversation this Valentine's Day.

2. They Pur the Purrfect Melody

Want a relaxing Valentine's Day? Well, there's nothing quite as soothing as the purring melody of your cat to put you at ease.

3. They Are the Best Snugglers

Everyone appreciates a good cuddler! There's no better cuddle buddy than your snuggly kitten. Plus all that fluffy fur makes the cuddles extra cozy!

4. They Let You Pick the Movie

You'll never hear your cat protest whatever chick flick you decide to pop on. They are just happy to snuggle up with their favorite human, no matter what's on the tube.

5. They Don't Judge You for Eating an Entire Box of Dove Chocolates in One Sitting

Indulge away! Just be sure to give them some catnip or bake them a special Valentine's treat, so they can enjoy some special sweets with you.

We know that our cats make the best Valentine's, so it's only right that we give back to them for being our best friends! If you're having trouble finding them the purrfect gift, there's nothing better than a cozy new nook for them to curl up in. Check out these adorable modular cat cubes, perfect for your feline Valentine.