May 08, 2019 3 min read

Now that all the paperwork is done and that adorable puppy is all yours, it is time to take up the task of being a pet parent as seriously as it is. Whether you are getting a puppy for the first time or are experienced in this task, there are a couple of ground rules that you cannot afford to break and that is keeping your pet happy, healthy, and well-fed in all circumstances.

What else could you do to help your new puppy adjust to their new surroundings? Here are 5 important tips to help you see through this difficult phase.

Puppy Proof Your Home

As weird as that sounds, it is probably the most important thing to do before you bring your puppy home. A puppy is as good as a newborn and requires as much attention and care, if not more. This is precisely why you should puppy-proof your home to ensure that you can provide a safe, comfortable, and happy environment to your little one. You can start by getting rid of poisonous plants and other toxic things. You also need to get your electrical wires corded and remove every chewable object from sight.

If your puppy belongs to the bigger breed of dogs, it is recommended to use this online tool to estimate their adult weight (and height) so that your puppy proofing will be more effective in the long run.

Potty Training

This is by far the most important step involved in raising a puppy. Your puppy needs to be potty trained as early as possible, and there are various ways to obedience train your new furry family member. Start by introducing your puppy to the idea of urinating and excreting only when taken outside. An intermediate step could involve making them use the restroom in only a particular corner or in the training crate itself.

Daily Exercises + Proper Diet

Your puppy will probably be quite active on their own and it will be up to you to provide them with an outlet to get all their energy out in a productive manner. Going for regular walks to the park and playing fetch could be entertaining for both of you.

You should be aware of the kind of food that you are feeding your puppy. Puppies should never be given things like chocolates, raisins, nuts, and baby food. These could all be choking hazards. Baby food caters to the nutritional requirements of a human baby and puppies require an absolutely different form of nutrition.

Get Durable Chew Toys

In order to protect your cushions, shoes, and other important things that are clearly chewable, proper chew toys are crucial for your new puppy. Chew toys that are soft and pliable are perfect for itching and teething gums, and will also keep your furnishings from being torn down.

Regular Visits To The Vet

Your vet might ask you to visit more frequently in the initial months because a puppy needs more care and vaccinations than a grown-up dog does. It is your responsibility to ensure that all the vaccinations are completed in the time allotted and the flea and tick control methods are understood.

A puppy is literally a bundle of joy but it is important for pet parents to understand that this bundle requires as much care as a human baby does. Adopt a puppy only if you are capable of investing as much time, patience and energy as you would if you had a baby of your own.


This post was contributed by Pete Decker, the Lead Editor at The Goody Pet. Pete loves to share his passion for pets through snippets of interesting and helpful information. You can find more of Pete on his websiteTwitter, or Facebook.



Editor's Note: 
This blog was originally posted on May 8, 2019. It has been updated for accuracy and consistency to reflect the most current information. 

Last Updated: December 9, 2024