October 12, 2018 2 min read

Cats can do some pretty funny and interesting things, plenty of them being pretty odd behaviors to a human. Whether it’s sleeping on your head, pacing the halls for no reason, or bringing gifts in the form of dead animals. Before deciding that your feline friend is a “cold-blooded furry killer,” here’s what it means when your cat brings you a tiny rodent as a gift.

Cats bring “gifts,” or dead animals to their owners

Recent studies, and common sense, show that cats were born to hunt. Catching prey and then presenting it dead or alive to their owner is more common, and necessary than you might think. Cats do this to show off their prized catch as well as use the opportunity as a teaching aid in hunting to pass down to their young. Also, according to LiveScience, "In some cases cats may also be keeping other species that may negatively impact bird and other small mammal populations in check," says Bruce Kornreich.

Your kitty loves you and they really want to show appreciation to their loving and caring human. In their world, this translates to gifting you a homemade present consisting of an animal they have caught and delivered. They are simply acting out their hunting instincts and staying true to their wild nature. Ever notice how domesticated cats have the pleasure of being served their food, but often chase any toys with feathers or moving parts? They love the thrill of the chase and catching prey.

What types of things are considered gifts?

A cat needs mental stimulation, especially if they display a strong prey drive. Toys with feathers, moving parts, and other fun dangling items they cannot resist trying to catch can be considered gifts when they deliver them to you. You can give them the stimulation they need by having them chase objects like a laser pointer.

Not only does this playtime reduce behavioral problems for cats, but it also provides exercise for kitty. If you’re like most of us and you’re a busy human, keeping your cat entertained throughout the day is super easy with a Kitty Kasas Gym! If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us!