August 27, 2021 2 min read

Saying good-bye to our furry friends is never easy. The love and joy they bring into our lives is immense, so the emptiness that we feel in our hearts after they have passed can be heavy. Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day on August 28 is a day devoted to remembering our pets that are no longer with us. The day was created by author Deborah Barnes after she lost her cat Mr. Jazz. She founded it with the idea in mind for people to share the memory of their pets who had passed on. For many of us, having a way to remember our pets after they have passed is important. We’ve compiled a list of five memorials that you can use to continue to celebrate your pet’s life every day.


1. Custom locket or ring

Having a custom locket or ring made in your pets memory can be a great keepsake to always have your pet with you. A locket can carry your pets photo, while some companies specialize in preserving ashes in the form of jewelry. 


2. Pet portrait

You can purchase or commission your favorite artist or a local artist to create a portrait of your pet. A pet portrait is another way of capturing the likeness of your pet in the form of art instead of a photo. Pet portraits allow you to have the creative freedom to even include all of your pets favorite things in one picture.


3. Paw print

A pets unique paw print can be made to last in a variety of ways. Whether it's in a clay mold, ink print, or tattooed on you to keep forever, having your pets paw print may be the best way for you to memorialize your pet.


4. Scrapbook

A collection of photos, tags, hair clippings, or pieces of favorite toys, can all be great things to make into a scrapbook dedicated just to your pet. Scrapbooks are not only a creative outlet that can help with grief, but they are also a great way to help you share the memories of your pet with others.


5. Living memorial

Your pets favorite spot in the yard or under their favorite tree can be a way to celebrate your pets life by creating new life in their memory. Anything from a single tree to an entire flower bed are options to make into a living memorial for your pet.


Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day can be a chance to reflect and cherish the memories of your furry loved one, but it's not always easy. The grieving process can be difficult, so be sure to reach out to pet loss support groups for additional help in coping with the loss of your pet.


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