March 29, 2023 3 min read

If you’re thinking about making the switch from dry food, then you may be wondering what it takes to get your cat used to this new form of nourishment.

The good news is that transitioning cats onto wet food can be a relatively easy process with just a few steps and considerations. So let’s dive in and talk about what’s involved, and what you need to keep in mind if you want the switch to go smoothly.

What to Expect During the Transition: A Guide for Cat Owners

When changing up your cat's diet, it’s important for owners to go slowly and gradually introduce them into their new meal plan over time.

Begin by mixing small amounts of wet food in with their old kibble and increasing these portions as they become accustomed. This will help reduce any tummy upset during the transition period, while giving your pet an opportunity to adjust at their own pace, without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by sudden changes in diet or texture.

If introducing too much moisture all at once causes vomiting or diarrhea, try combining less moist foods first, before upping other ingredients, such as canned fish mixed with plain yogurt. This will help your cat get used to the new texture and taste.

By being kind, patient, and understanding during this process you can make sure that your beloved feline friend has a seamless transition onto wet food for better health, no matter what stage in life they are at. And a happy cat equals a happy owner!

Benefits of Switching From Dry to Wet Food

There are a number of benefits of wet cat food to keep in mind, so if you’re still on the fence, read up on these to ensure you can make an informed decision regarding your kitty’s diet.

Firstly, it’s important to note that cats require more moisture in their diet than is commonly found in kibble, and so they may be dehydrated if eating only dry foods. Adding some canned products into the mix helps make sure they are getting enough water throughout the day, which in turn keeps them healthy and hydrated, while also aiding digestion.

Other potential benefits include improved oral health, since moisture-rich diets are what cats need to thrive, and more accurately replicate what they’d consume in nature, preventing dental issues in the process. It also leads to better nutrient absorption due to the higher protein content when compared against traditional formulas.

Furthermore, wet food generally tastes better, so you can expect less picky eating behavior, making mealtime enjoyable for both you and your pet.

Common Mistakes When Feeding Cats Wet Food - How To Avoid Them

As part of the process of introducing wet food to your cat’s diet, it’s important for owners to be aware of the mistakes that can be made in this context.

One error to steer clear of is overfeeding. Dishing out too much canned or pouch-based food as a single serving can add up quickly, especially when compared against dry formulas. This means you should pay close attention and measure out portions accordingly so your kitty isn't left feeling uncomfortable after meal time, and also to avoid feline obesity.

Another issue could arise if your cat has an aversion towards something within the wet food, such as fish or poultry ingredients, which may lead them to avoid eating altogether. If this happens, try mixing different flavors together instead of sticking with one type every day, as variety will keep things interesting.

Wrapping Up

If you still struggle to convert your cat to a wet food diet, get in touch with a vet for professional advice. They may have specific insights relating to your cat which will help overcome feeding issues.

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