July 26, 2022 3 min read

You come home to your cat, and they forcefully push their head into your leg. You notice that they also do this to the side of the couch, the table leg, and…the dog? As cat owners, we know there are many kitty characteristics that are a little strange. We’re not always sure why they do them, but it’s fair to say that most of these quirky traits are adorable, nonetheless. Here are a few of those weird behaviors explained.

1. Headbutting

Headbutting or ‘bunting’ as it’s more formally known as, is a cat’s affectionate way of claiming you (or another cat, piece of furniture, the dog etc.) as ‘theirs’. They do this by rubbing their head on a person or object, leaving pheromones found in scent glands on their face. Even though bunting is used for marking territory, it’s still a cat’s way of showing that they trust you and their environment.

2. Zoomies

The cat zoomies or running frantically from one point of the house to another, can be strange to new cat owners. Even experienced cat owners can still be thrown off by cats going from 0 to 100 in what seems like a matter of seconds. The zoomies often occur once your cat wakes up from a nap, after they’ve done their business in the litter box, or, in some cases, due to a medical issue. Cats who seem to get the zoomies often with other abnormal behaviors such as weight loss, should be taken in for a vet exam. Otherwise, zoomies are a perfectly normal part of being a cat!

3. Stink Faces

Have you ever watched your cat after it sniffed something? Did it make a weird face like it didn’t know what it just smelled? Well, the truth is cats do make a strange face when they are trying to process a particular smell. In fact, it’s referred to as a flehmen response and isn’t totally unique to cats. Using an organ located in their mouths, cats can gather more information about a smell. So, if you see them with their mouth open and front lips pulled up, it just means they are really enjoying whatever it is they just took a whiff of.

4. Chirping

If your cat is an avid bird watcher, then you might already be familiar with the unique chirping sounds they’re able to make. Cats also chirp at humans, too, as it’s primarily used as a form of communication. Chirping is just one way for your cat to let you know that he or she is excited!

5. Gift Giving

While you’re probably wondering how being brought the gift of a dead bird or mouse by your cat is adorable (it’s not), but the intentions for why your cat brought the gift in the first place is. As kittens, mother cats often bring prey back to them for food or to teach them how to hunt. Your kitty is simply trying to do the same when they bring you a gift. They may also be looking for praise or playtime if they bring other gifts such as toys. As unpleasant as it may be, it’s one of our cats’ best ways to show us they care.

These and other weird habits cats exhibit are all just a part of what makes cats so special and loveable. The next time you’re with your cat, try and count how many of these behaviors they do!

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