May 09, 2019 2 min read

Valentine's Day is here and there is no one who loves you more than your puppy. They miss you when you're gone, they're always happy to see you and they would never judge the pint of Ben and Jerry's you ate by yourself! So, be sure to give your pooch all the puppy love they deserve on this love-filled day!

Pamper Your Pup

Schedule a spa day or an appointment with your dog's groomer to get their nails clipped and fur shinning. Or give them a scrub down at home!

PRO TIP- If your doggo is hesitant to hop in the tub try smearing some peanut butter on the inside of the shower wall to distract them!

Treat Yo Pal!

Bones, cookies, jerkies, homemade, or store-bought. The options are endless, so let your furry friend indulge in some great treat time! They will be sure to thank you with some doggie kisses.

Check out this tasty dog treat recipe!

You Better Work, Girl!

Get up and get out! Take your pup for a jaunt around the town or park. Your pup loves to stretch their legs. Plus, as a bonus, you will get your steps in! Plus, as a double bonus, your pup will be worn out and want to snuggle!

Snuggle Time is Happy Time!

Snuggle up with your faithful companion! Give them all the pets and pats they deserve. They love you unconditionally every day, so return that love with lots of kisses and cuddles. After all, we all know that dogs make the best Valentines!

Toys Toys Toys!

Nothing says love like PRESENTS! Shower your pooch with gifts, and use our toy finder to find the perfect match for your pet.