July 27, 2021 4 min read

5 Amazing Tips & Ideas to Distract Your Pet From Thunderstorms

Rain and thunder are a beautiful sight to us, but they might be a nightmare for our beloved pets. Who appreciates heavy showers and the accompanying crackling thunder? Without a doubt, we all do. As much as we might admire thunderstorms, our furry pals may have a slightly different view of it.

Thunderstorms, with their roaring thunder and dazzling lightning bolts, can be genuinely shocking and frightening for animals. The loud bangs and flashing lights frequently lead them to become frightened, stressed out, and jittery. Moreover, all pet owners are on high alert. Why is this happening? Why are so many pets afraid of thunderstorms? Is there anything you can do to help your pets feel comfortable during these stressful situations? Let us investigate this subject to learn more about why our pets get frightened.

What Triggers Your Pet's Fear of Thunderstorms?

Before we can grasp how to keep pets calm and relaxed when a thunderstorm strikes, we must first understand why animals are so distressed during them. A few of the explanations why pets are afraid of thunderstorms are as follows:

  1. Pets may suffer pre-storm apprehension.There are usually pre-arrival occurrences before a storm. As a result, pets may learn to expect thunder, which leads to discomfort even before the thunderstorm arrives.
  2. Thunderstorms set them offby interfering with their daily activities.
  3. The loud noise of thunderstormsmay frighten them.
  4. Animals can detect the advent of thunderstorms.
  5. Some pets may also experience electrical current shocksthat occur during thunderstorms.

5 Incredible Tricks & Ideas to Keep Your Pet Safe From Thunderstorms

If your pet suffers from storm fright, there are various things you can do to calm them down when a thunderstorm is approaching.

  1. Keep your pet indoors and create a safe haven for them.

Naturally, your terrified pet will refuse to go outside during a thunderstorm. However, avoid taking your pet outdoors during these times, including car outings, and never leave them alone at home. In addition, you can help safeguard them by creating a pleasant indoor habitat. To reduce the intensity of vibrations and tumultuous noise entering the room:

  1. Close the doors and windows and drop the curtains.
  2. Put on some soothing music to eliminate the noise of thunder.
  3. Keep your pet cozy and comfortable in a crib if they are used to it and wrap them up with a soft blanket to keep them snug and secured.

  1. Take their focus away from the thunderstorm with fun activities and toys.

Switch on the television or play relaxing music to block out the rumbling if your pet is terrified of it. Gather toys and have a little play time with them if they are willing to. Remember to give them their favorite treats and snacks as well. You can change gears and manage your pet's uneasiness by acting as if you are unaware of the storm. Walk your pet around indoors and treat them as if you were instructing or engaging with them by rewarding them with biscuits for relaxing and resting. Get them involved in something else to make them happy.

  1. Make your pets immune to thunder

The best way to eradicate your pet's fear of thunderstorms for the long term is to accustom them to the sounds of thunder well in advance of the event. You might start by making reduced noises while interacting with your pet and delivering goodies. Play those noises in the backdrop silently while you train them or play games with them, all while offering them snacks. Slowly increase the volume of the noise during these sessions. With practice, your pet will link thunder with pleasant occasions. A vet can assist you in locating a behavioral therapist, but the entire process requires patience as it might take months.

  1. You can count on CBD

For those who are not aware of what CBD is, in brief, it is a non-psychoactive hemp-derived substance. Do not be doubtful! Your pet will not get high by ingesting CBD. Instead, it is known for treating anxiousness, muscle pains, swelling, allergies, and a variety of other health issues. Learn more about giving CBD to your pet.

Can pets take CBD? Generally, pure CBD is safe for pets. Furthermore, a multitude of cannabidiol products are available on the market. CBD can assist in relieving your pet's anxiety during a traumatic event. Cannabidiol oils and consumables like biscuits and sweets are some CBD-infused items you can use to comfort your pets in such situations. Make sure you purchase these products for your pet from reputable brands and are aware of any pre-existing health concerns your pet has.

  1. Consult your veterinarian

Whenever it comes to animals and thunderstorms, the ideal person to speak to is your veterinarian. Doctors may suggest a thunder-coat or some wrap that provides light and minimum consistent pressure. This technique can assist you in reducing your pet's uneasiness (like comforting a crying baby with swaddling). If your pet suffers from extreme storm phobia, consult your vet for alternate treatments and medications to help them feel more at ease.


Thunderstorms can startle your furry friends, and the repercussions can be harmful to their overall well-being. If you make a big thing out of these occasions while your pet is not scared, it may instill fear in the future. Strive to keep your pet quiet but remember to keep yourself calm as well.

Since you are most familiar with your pet, you must study their behavior during these moments and coordinate care thoughtfully every time your pet encounters storm-induced stress. If you are at a loss for words, know that safeguards, distraction, and tenderness may solve almost any problem. Ensure to maintain positive mental stimulation when training your pet. Do not criticize or reprimand your pet for having thunder phobia. After all, their actions are a product of fear, not misbehavior.