May 21, 2019 4 min read

Do you consider your Fido as an integral part of the family?  If the answer is yes, then you’re not alone. According to the 2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owner Survey, approximately 85 million families (68%) have pets at home. It is reported that 60.2% of these families own dogs. This data accounted for a 56% increase since the first survey conducted in 1988, signifying the importance of pets in the US household in this day and age. However, what makes this number so fascinating is the fact that 63% identified their pets as being part of the family. With this growing number alone, we can easily conclude that pets are not just a source of entertainment or an addition to the household, but they actually are our family.

You can’t deny the reality that there is a special bond between dogs and pet owners. Dogs become a huge part of our lives and we love to take care of them even when they get diseases such as skin allergies or ear infections. We are willing to suffer through everything they go through, and vice versa. 

It is easy to see why dogs have been dubbed “man’s best friend." A great number of dog owners will say that their Fidos are way more than just pets. So, here are some of the obvious reasons why dogs are part of the family.

They share your last name.

Your canine companions are identified as a part of the family if you give them a name. More so, if you give them your last name. In moments when they are overloaded with cuteness, you just simply want to call them with adorable names. Whenever you are asked about your siblings, you may also consider your Fido as a little brother or sister as well.

No one can say bad things about your Fido.

Just like the special bond with your parents and other siblings, you feel insulted when someone mocks your dog. You can’t tolerate anyone saying anything bad about them. Dogs might have the habit of being annoying sometimes, but you won’t give someone any permission to speak ill about your canine companion. 

Your dog has more photos with you.

When you have a lot of pictures with your dog more than anyone else in the family, it shows that they are not just your pet. You don’t want your dog to be disregarded in any family photos as well. This behavior signals that your dog means more to you than just a pet. He or she is important to your life, and you don’t want them to miss out those “picture-perfect” moments.

You consider them to stay for a lifetime.

Blood is, indeed, thicker than water. No matter what happens or whatever your Fido does, you won’t give up on him or her quickly. As part of the family, you recognize their value to your life. You understand that your dog is meant to stay forever with you. You will protect them every time just how they protect you.

They have a special spot and place at home.

You surely know that your dog likes more cuddle and some moments of regular petting sessions. Thus, you provide them with a special place inside the house to maximize your bonding time. As part of the family, you allow them to rest on your lap, sleep in your bed several times, or share precious time on a couch. You realize the importance of these moments, as it gives them your undivided attention and strengthens your bond.

You consider your dog in the schedule.

In everything you do or any decisions you make, you consider the presence of your dog. This is commonly true in the case of going out shopping, visiting a place, or strolling around the neighborhood. You always want to make sure that your Fido must come along. In the event that you plan on buying a house or moving into a new place, you also want to factor the welfare of your dog by checking the size of the yard or proximity of the house to the park. You provide them with nothing but a comfortable space because they are your family.

They celebrate birthdays and join any family events.

Any family event won’t be complete without your dogs. Whether it is Thanksgiving, a wedding, or Christmas, they need to be there no matter what. The same is true if you’re going on a family trip. Your dog should have a special, comfortable seat while on a ride. Also, you won’t forget celebrating your Fido’s birthday with family and close friends. You may even shower them with gifts like toys and other stuff that they can use during playtime. According to Harris Poll statistics, 45% of owners frequently bought birthday gifts for their pet companion. Sometimes, it pays to spend a little amount of money for your beloved dog.

They complete your day.

Another indicator that your canine companion is part of the family is when they complete your day. You want to see your Fido first thing in the morning and enjoy their presence every day. Your dog brings a smile on your face whenever you’re in a bad mood, and life is simply incomplete without the stare of their puppy eyes and those soft, furry touches.

Your life isn’t the same without your dog.

When you start to realize how valuable they are in your life, you feel that it wouldn’t be the same without them. You miss your dog when he or she is not around and you long for their presence whenever you’re apart.

You consider their welfare and love them unconditionally.

You know that your dog is part of the family when you genuinely care and nurture them with so much love and affection. All you ever think of is providing them with all the happiness and understanding their welfare. That is how you give importance on matters like regular vet check-ups, proper nutrition, all-organic supplementation, and prevention from skin allergies, gastrointestinal problems, dog ear infections, to name a few. Your goal is to make sure that they are healthy so you create those long-lasting moments together.

Final Thoughts

For individuals who have grown up with dogs at home, you can tell exactly how these canine companions are valuable to them. These dogs brighten up their day, so their owners provide them with nothing but the utmost love and special attention that they truly deserve. That is the ultimate essence of a family; sharing unconditional love and affection.